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On-line Application

Bachelor Programme (by Direct Admission) Application period: 30/01/2024 – 05/04/2024
學士學位課程(直接入學)報名日期:30/01/2024 – 05/04/2024

General Instructions and Important Information for On-line Application

  1. New User Registration:
    1. Click the 'New User Registration' button on the upper right corner of the webpage if you are new to the On-line application system.
    2. Please read the important notes and click the “I hereby declare that I have acknowledged and agreed the above “Personal Data Collection Statement” button before you can proceed to fill in the on-line application form.
    3. To register, please provide your full name in English (which must be identical to your identification card/passport), identification card/passport number, mobile number and a valid email address.
    4. You will receive a ‘Login Number’ (e.g. 247xxxxxx) and ‘Password’ by SMS message and email.  You must keep such information to login to your account throughout the whole application procedure.  If you fail to receive the email within 2 days, please contact us by phone at tel: (853)8822 4007 during office hours.
  2. Login for Registered User:
    1. To login, please click the 'Login for Registered User' on the upper right corner of the webpage and enter the 'Login Number' and 'Password'.  You can always refer either the email or SMS message to login the system.
    2. Please be reminded that you will need to provide the 'Login Number' and 'Password' whenever you wish to access the on-line application system.
  3. Complete the On-line Application Form:
    1. When you have filled in the on-line application form, click 'Confirm' button to submit your application.  Applications filled in but not submitted will NOT be processed.
    2. If the submission is successful, you will receive an acknowledgement email.
    3. Direct Admission applicants cannot revise any information as well as programme choice after the settlement of application fee.
    4. Late applications will not be considered.
  4. Payment of Application Fee:
    1. You are required to pay a non-refundable application fee by e-payment via the on-line application system before the deadline of the application period.
    2. Duplicated or excessive payment will not be refunded.
  5. Application Acknowledgement
    1. Once the application fee is settled, an acknowledgment email with an application number (AP-C4-XXXX-X) will be sent to you by SMS message and email.  Upon receiving the application number, your on-line application has been successfully completed.  Applications without an application number will not be regarded as valid.  If you do not receive any acknowledgment by SMS or email 2 days after fee payment, please contact the Registry.
  6. Forgot Password:
    1. You can refer to the SMS message or email for your login 'Login Number' and 'Password'.
    2. If you forget your password, please click 'Forgot password' and enter the 'Login Number' and 'Email Address'.  The new password will be sent to your email.
  7. Change Password:
    1. If you would like to change your password, please login to the on-line application system and click 'Change Password' and enter the 'Old Password' and 'New Password'.  Re-enter the 'New Password' again, and you will receive an email confirmation on the changes.
  8. Changes on Personal Information after the application period:
    1. Please note that changes on your personal information, such as your name, your telephone number, mobile numbers, address, ID/passport number, etc, should be made directly to the Registry.
  9. For enquiry regarding your application, please feel free to contact the Registry:
    Tel : (853) 8822 4007
    Fax : (853) 8822 2425
    Online Enquiry :
    Address : Registry, Room G002, Administration Building N6, University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China


  1. 建立申請人戶口:
    1. 新登記之申請人,請按位於網頁右上角的「新申請」鍵。
    2. 申請人於填寫網上申請表前,必須細閱重要事項內之資料,然後按「本人已知悉及同意以上之 “收集個人資料聲明”」鍵,方可填寫報名表。
    3. 請輸入申請人之英文拼音全名(必須與身份證/護照上登記之姓名相同)、身份證或護照編號、手提電話號碼及有效之電子郵箱,以建立申請人戶口。
    4. 成功登記之申請人將收到確認網上戶口之「登入編號」(格式為247xxxxxx)及「密碼」之短訊及電郵。申請人須妥善保存該戶口資料以登入網上報名系統。如登記後兩天內未能收到有關電郵,請於辦公時間致電(853)8822 4007查詢。
  2. 登入申請人戶口:
    1. 請按位於網頁右上角的「登入我的申請」鍵,然後輸入「登入編號」及「密碼」。申請人可於短訊及電郵內查閱有關訊息以登入網上報名系統。
    2. 於每次登入網上報名系統時,申請人必須提供「登入編號」及「密碼」。
  3. 填寫網上報名表格:
    1. 當申請人填妥網上報名表格後,請按「確認」鍵遞交表格。未遞交之報名表格將不獲處理。
    2. 如申請人成功遞交網上報名表格,將會收到本校發出之確認電郵。
    3. 直接入學的申請人於繳交報名費後不可更改申請表內報讀志願之資料。
    4. 逾期之申請將不獲處理。
  4. 繳交報名費:
    1. 申請人須於報名期內於網報系統內以電子方式或信用卡方式繳交報名費。報名費一經繳交,概不退還。
    2. 多繳或重覆繳付的報名費概不退還。
  5. 確認申請
    1. 繳付報名費後,申請人將收到通知個人申請編號 (AP-C4-XXXX-X) 之短訊及電郵。收到申請編號通知者,即代表有關報名手續已正式完成。未獲分派申請編號之入學申請將被視之為失效。如於兩天內未能收到上述電郵,請與註冊處聯絡。
  6. 忘記密碼:
    1. 申請人可於本校發出之短訊或確認電郵內查閱有關網上戶口之「登入編號」及「密碼」。
    2. 如忘記密碼,申請人亦可按「忘記密碼」鍵,輸入「登入編號」及「電郵地址」,新密碼將寄至申請人之電郵信箱內。
  7. 更改密碼:
    1. 如更改密碼,申請人可登入網報系統,然後按「更改密碼」鍵,輸入「舊密碼」及「新密碼」,再輸入一次「新密碼」,申請人將收到電郵確認已更新之資料。
  8. 於報名期後更改個人資料
    1. 申請人如需更改個人資料如姓名、聯絡電話號碼、手提電話號碼、地址、身份證/護照號碼等,請聯絡註冊處
  9. 有關入學申請之查詢,請聯絡本校註冊處。
    電話   : (853) 8822 4007
    傳真   : (853) 8822 2425
    網上查詢 :
    地址   : 澳門大學註冊處,中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路,澳門大學,行政樓N6,G002室。

Copyright (C) 2018 University of Macau. All Rights Reserved.
Registry, University of Macau
Room G002, Administration Building N6, University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Tel.: (853) 8822 4007
Fax: (853) 8822 2425